Kronplatz Mobility

We manage the local public transport sector in the central Val Pusteria region and want to guarantee reliable and efficient passenger transport for the local population as well as for holiday guests.

The growing tourism traffic as well as the increased needs and the necessity to offer environmentally friendly alternatives to individual transport have prompted us to actively take further steps towards sustainable mobility with Kronplatz Mobility AG.
Passenger transport has always been part of the core business of Kronplatz Seilbahn and we therefore do not consider our involvement to be a diversification, but rather a further means of guaranteeing a functioning service.

Sustainable mobility

The Kronplatz Group has established itself over decades as an expert in the field of passenger transport. With the Ried railway connection in 2011, we have already taken an initial measure to counteract the increase in individual traffic. 
The integration of the public transport business of the companies Serbus, Taferner and Seiwald into the newly founded Kronplatz Mobility AG offers the opportunity to continue and expand this path.

Our service includes

The expertise, synergies and pooling of resources resulting from the merger of the local public transport business of the three companies experienced in this sector will contribute significantly to making the service for passengers efficient.


Here you will find the current timetables for bus and train connections in the area of coverage:


Lost and Found Items

Items Did you forget something on the bus?  

Then start your search on the website

  • The lost item is typically registered in the central lost and found database within the next working day.
  • The transport companies keep the lost items for a maximum of 2 weeks and then hand them over to the lost property offices of the selected municipalities.
  • The information on the storage location and the contact address is always kept up to date.


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